Future Oxfordshire Partnership (formerly the Oxfordshire Growth Board) response to recommendations of the Partnership Scrutiny Panel made on 17 January 2022


The Future Oxfordshire Partnership is requested to provide a response to the recommendations of the Scrutiny Panel for decision at its meeting on 25 January.  





1.     That the Future Oxfordshire Partnership ensures that the development of the Oxfordshire Plan 2050 include provision for contingency planning for extreme weather events linked to Climate Change, considering the principles of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage.



2.     That the Future Oxfordshire Partnership ensure that the Oxfordshire Plan has local net zero carbon ambitions factored firmly and prominently into the next draft of the Plan.




3.     That the Future Oxfordshire Partnership provide any further information that may now be available concerning two previous recommendations from this panel:

a.     Whether a review of the OGNA can be initiated

b.     When and how the decision concerning the next steps for the Oxfordshire Plan will be taken.



4.      That the Future Oxfordshire Partnership encourage its constituent councils to engage closely with the East West Mainline Partnership.




5.     That the Future Oxfordshire Partnership continue to lobby HM Government for the electrification of the East West Rail line.



6.     That the Future Oxfordshire Partnership ensure that the Oxfordshire Infrastructure Strategy safeguards against the development of any new gas network infrastructure



7.     That the Future Oxfordshire Partnership ensure that the framing and terminology of growth within the Oxfordshire Infrastructure Strategy clarifies that economic growth should not be at the expense of environmental quality and improvement. The scoring criteria may need to be adjusted to reflect:

a.     A holistic consideration of the consequences of growth which priorities green growth

b.    The crossing cutting nature of green infrastructure themes and priorities



8.     That the Future Oxfordshire Partnership support the approach outlined in paragraph seven of the Zero Carbon Oxfordshire Route Map report, ensuring that Oxfordshire is well positioned to make any ‘asks’ of HM Government to enable local delivery against the route map. 



9.     That the Future Oxfordshire Partnership note the Scrutiny Panel’s support for local authorities in funding the next steps of the PAZCO work.